Dolores. SPRING SUMMER Collection 2012 by Labor Limae
Dolores è una donna nuova, meglio, rinnovata.
Anche se imprevedibili eventi hanno determinato il suo destino, è in grado di vivere perfettamente e con successo nella realtà urbana e mondana in cui è stata catapultata. Dolores è una donna attuale, fermamente consapevole, la cui grande forza è la versatilità, la capacità di adattarsi al tempo e al luogo che vive senza tradire se stessa e la sua natura, ma semplicemente reinventandosi.Una donna hic et nunc.
Le audaci trasparenze, così come le ampie scollature e le ridotte lunghezze, raccontano una disinvolta nudità. La palette di colori del giorno è composta dal blu notte, dal beige e dal bianco e la nota cromatica forte è data da un corallo tanto moderno quanto colmo di reminiscenze; nella sera le nuances basiche lasciano il posto all’oro e al nero shine e la nota di corallo si trasforma in un blu elettrico.
Un equilibrio fra opposti si ritrova anche nella scelta dei tessuti con ripetuti accostamenti tra materiali forti (come il cotone denim e la viscosa) e materiali leggeri, impalpabili (voile e seta).
La Fotografia primitiva di Maurice Tabard con le su atmosfere ipnotiche e sofisticate e la concettualizzazione dell'ombra come altro, doppio, come riminiscenza di una esistenza selvatica ma idealizzata sono il perimetro di ispirazione della Campagna, la cui essenza si esprime nell'archetipo femminile della rigenerazione e della riaffermazione consapevole della propria radice.
Info Brand
Angela Rago, stilista, dopo il suo ritorno dall’esperienza parigina, è contaminata da nuove ispirazioni e idee.
Manuela Ferilli, con la sua formazione umanistica, crea e gestisce il marchio, racconta le storie che sono la fonte e l'ispirazione dei disegni.
Insieme, le storie si trasformano in forme da indossare.
La Campagna è firmata dal Fotografo Marco D'Amico
Creative Manager: Romina Toscano per Studio DModa
Dolores is a new woman, rather, renewed.
Although unpredictable events led to his fate, is able to live fully and successfully in the urban reality and mundane when it was thrown.
Dolores is a woman now, firmly aware, whose great strength is its versatility, the ability to adapt to the time and place that lives without betraying herself and her nature, but simply reinventing itself.
A woman hic et nunc.
The bold transparency, as well as the wide necklines and reduced lengths, tell a casual nudity.
The color palette of the day is composed of dark blue, beige and white and the strong chromatic note is given by a coral as modern as full of reminiscences, in the evening, the basic nuances give way to black and gold, and shine note the coral becomes an electric blue.
A balance between opposites is also reflected in the choice of fabrics with repeated combinations of strong materials (like cotton denim and yarn) and lightweight materials, impalpable (voile and silk).
The original photo of Maurice Tabard of the hypnotic atmosphere and sophisticated and the conceptualization of the shadow as much, twice as reminiscence of a wild existence but have idealized the perimeter of inspiration for the Campaign, whose essence is expressed in archetype of the feminine reclamation and reaffirmation aware of its roots.
Angela Rago, fashion designer, after his return from the experience in Paris, is contaminated by new ideas and inspirations.
Manuela Ferilli, with its liberal arts education, creates and manages the brand, tells the stories that are the source and inspiration of the designs.
Together, the stories are transformed into wearable forms.
Dolores is a new woman, rather, renewed.
Although unpredictable events led to his fate, is able to live fully and successfully in the urban reality and mundane when it was thrown.
Dolores is a woman now, firmly aware, whose great strength is its versatility, the ability to adapt to the time and place that lives without betraying herself and her nature, but simply reinventing itself.
A woman hic et nunc.
The bold transparency, as well as the wide necklines and reduced lengths, tell a casual nudity.
The color palette of the day is composed of dark blue, beige and white and the strong chromatic note is given by a coral as modern as full of reminiscences, in the evening, the basic nuances give way to black and gold, and shine note the coral becomes an electric blue.
A balance between opposites is also reflected in the choice of fabrics with repeated combinations of strong materials (like cotton denim and yarn) and lightweight materials, impalpable (voile and silk).
The original photo of Maurice Tabard of the hypnotic atmosphere and sophisticated and the conceptualization of the shadow as much, twice as reminiscence of a wild existence but have idealized the perimeter of inspiration for the Campaign, whose essence is expressed in archetype of the feminine reclamation and reaffirmation aware of its roots.
Angela Rago, fashion designer, after his return from the experience in Paris, is contaminated by new ideas and inspirations.
Manuela Ferilli, with its liberal arts education, creates and manages the brand, tells the stories that are the source and inspiration of the designs.
Together, the stories are transformed into wearable forms.
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